Thursday, October 27, 2005

Randomly generated post

Focus can have several meanings. Depending on the context it is used, of course. Focus could, for instance, relate to a point, with respect to a beam of light or a "laser." However, on the other hand, one could be speaking about the mental focus of an individual. Focus in this context of course would be something quite different, and would mean a person's mental concentration--what they are most concentrating on at a particular time.

But *speaking* of light.......lights are amazing. You can set the entire mood of a room with lighting. Lighting in itself is an art form; you can master it and actually influence other peoples' emotions based on it. You can induce many useful things simply by using light, and yet you can also use it for harm. For example, shining a big ass flashlight in somebody's eye when it is forced open with duct tape......duct tape is freaking powerful, folks. Men praise it, women will deny it, but it's true. I think it's probably because women find it tacky to have random pieces of grey tape stuck to things that are visible to the general public. But I could be wrong, I've been wrong before. Which leads me to, of course....silly putty.

Silly Putty was the greatest thing ever. Remember when you were a kid and you acquired some Silly Putty, man that was cool. You could copy pictures from the paper on it, and then stretch it and make it look all funny and distorted. Freakin amazing stuff there. I think the inventor of silly putty should be...I'm not quite sure, but honored in some sort of way, right alongside the Etch-a-Sketch guy. I once saw a demonstation of art represented completely on Etch-a-Sketches. It was freaking's funny how people will take simple childrens toys and do amazing things with them and aspire to take over the world.

Boy do I love pancakes. The big fluffy ones. There is something about having a STACK of anything on your plate, hehe. I think I'll go to IHOP soon, there is one by my house but I NEVER go there. I wonder who came up with pancakes, too. Yes, set him aside next to Etch-a-Sketch and Silly Putty.

I'm pretty sure my favorite shape is the circle. I just like it, it's symmetrical. People say symmetry is an attractive quality. They made us do an experiment once in high school math. We had a bunch of squares and we had to show them to people and ask which one they liked best and record the answers. Inevitably one particular rectangle always won hands down. It was actually scientifically proven to be more appealing to people because of the "golden ratio" or some such thing.

Many of these things exist in nature too, its kind of spooky. I brought it to work and had my boss do it, who at the time was this middle aged Indian guy that spoke like Apu from the Simpsons and called everybody "guy." Everytime you told him anything regarding food he would respond with something involving the word "whopper," like "Hey Franklin I'm going to Taco Bell you want anything man?" " oh guy, yes, get me a whopper or something." "Ummmmm but dude they serve Tac....." "right a whopper." Sure whatever man. Anyways this crazy sob actaully KNEW what I was up to and knew that one shape was more scientifically attractive. That was pretty amazing. He said companies knew this kind of thing too, and made products and did marketing based on the golden ratio. I seem to remember some 80's movie called "The Golden Child" starring Eddie Murphy. Yes, I think it was "The Golden Child" or some such thing. My friend Ryan made me watch it once, I thought it was lame. And remember, LAME ain't an MP3 encoder! And GNU's not UNIX!

Which brings us to Richard Stallman, founder of the GNU project. His aspiration was to make a free open source operating system that worked like UNIX but didn't involve spending thousands of dollars to greedy companies like AT&T and BELL. That's a whole other story though, but the greatest thing ever was this recording of him out on the internet...he's fucking high as a kite singing some song called the "Free Software Song." It's funny as hell. "Jooiiiinnnnn usss nowwwwww and freeeee the soffftwaaaaaaareeee/youuuuuu'llll be freeeeeeee, haccckkeersss youuuu'lll be freeeeee." And it sounded kind of Indian. Damn hippies.

This has been another edition of the 7 o'clock news. Goodnight--and always remember...have your dogs and cats spayed and neutered.

The beauty that is mIRC

I used to be the queen of Internet Relay Chat. I could gab for hours with my friends on DALnet in the #metallica channel. I knew everybody there. I had full sops!

Then, something changed. The infighting started. Names were called and insults tossed on a whim. So I left. I left my GwenStefani nickname and my full sops (!) and I never looked back.

...Until now.

That's right, I'm back baby! You won't feel so hot, Internet Relay Chat, when I knock you on your keister!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Return of the Sarge

Long Live TechTV!

Is it possible?!

I got this from

"eBay seller: Zelda III NES cart is real

Remember that dubious looking eBay auction which claimed to be an unreleased Zelda 3 game for NES? Now that the auction has gone down Richard (the owner), decided to get ahold of a NES console and test the cartridge. He managed to successfully boot the game and play around with it for a bit. The game is very buggy, which is to be expected from a game that is only around 50-60% complete.

Richard has promised to put gameplay shots up on his site as soon as possible. Right now he’s unsure about what to do with the game, now that its legitimacy is proven. One commenter on his site suggests that the last thing he should do is stash the game away in his collection. Instead he should rip it onto a ROM and distribute it, then either sell the cart or donate it to a museum. What do you think he should do with it?"
This is a stunning prospect within the world of geeks. I myself am very excited.