Monday, October 24, 2005

Is it possible?!

I got this from

"eBay seller: Zelda III NES cart is real

Remember that dubious looking eBay auction which claimed to be an unreleased Zelda 3 game for NES? Now that the auction has gone down Richard (the owner), decided to get ahold of a NES console and test the cartridge. He managed to successfully boot the game and play around with it for a bit. The game is very buggy, which is to be expected from a game that is only around 50-60% complete.

Richard has promised to put gameplay shots up on his site as soon as possible. Right now he’s unsure about what to do with the game, now that its legitimacy is proven. One commenter on his site suggests that the last thing he should do is stash the game away in his collection. Instead he should rip it onto a ROM and distribute it, then either sell the cart or donate it to a museum. What do you think he should do with it?"
This is a stunning prospect within the world of geeks. I myself am very excited.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey cool...possibly the test for link to the past???

its cool to find someone as much into zelda as me :D

12:39 AM  

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