Friday, April 29, 2005

Worthwhile site alert

If you guys aren't familiar with it already, is one of the most hilarious sites on the InterWeb. It's perfect fodder for people my age, who were kids in the 80's. Part blog/part commercial, the site is pretty much one big review of everything that it meant to be small in the 80's: the toys, the candy, the cartoons. It's awesome. The guy writes in a Mike Nelson-esque sense, guaranteeing its merit in the funny. Check it out!

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Three weeks to Sunday

Well, today was the last class day for my M-W-F classes. Just got out of music theory, now I'm waiting to go to script analysis, where we will eat snacks in celebration and discuss the theories of David Ball, script analyst. Then only one more class tomorrow, and I'm done with classes for my junior year. Except final projects and exams, of course.

Something a little unsettling happened this morning as I was coming out of music theory. These two guys had set up a table and were passing out those compact little bibles. When I walked by they asked me if I had gotten one yet, and because I already have several, I told them, "I already have several, thank you." But for some reason I felt very bad not taking one, even though I don't have any use for another. We have a lot of them at home, another one won't do anything except deprive someone who doesn't have any of having one, so why would I feel bad not taking it?

Eh, gotta go, it's time for script analysis.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Messed up

Aye aye aye..that wasn't supposed to be posted twice. I was having problems with the updating page. Sorry! Hey what am I saying, it's my own blog! :D

Guston Fell Into the Deep End of the Ocean

Last night I painted for the first time in about two years, if you can believe it. The urge struck me at about 11:30 last night and by 1 am I had completed my latest creation. I was inspired by a conversation with a certain wiseacre who I will, of course, not mention here.

Maybe when the paint dries I'll post a pic of it. It was inspired by Philip Guston, who is one of my favorite painters. Check him out if you aren't up on his work, he does great things.

Philip Guston Fell Into the Deep End of the Ocean

Last night, I was inspired by a conversation that me and a certain unnamed wiseacre were having about art, and I got the urge to paint for the first time in a long time. So I started painting at 11:30 at night, and by 1 am I had created my latest painting in about two years. It's been awhile.

It was inspired by one of my favorite artists, Philip Guston. Awesome painter. Check him out if you don't already know his work. Maybe when the painting is dry I'll post a pic of it here. If that's not too hard to do. :P

Monday, April 25, 2005

My first post!

It's official. I've joined the 21st century. Or maybe not, I don't have TiVo. OR an iPod. Call me crazy but I like the feeling of a freshly burned piece of magnetized metal in my hand on a hot summer day.

Well, summer or not, I've got a blog! Now the question remains as to whether or not I'll actually make any *other* posts. Depends on if anyone reads it. If not, it will go the natural way of my LiveJournal and MySpace profiles...out the window.

Is there anyone who doesn't get the blog title reference? If not, shame on you!

Alright, I'm off to recruit friends to visit my new blog!
